Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I was thinking..

this has been one of those morning.
Those wonderfully dull mornings where you sit around and do nothing.
SO, to ease my boredom, I've once again cranked up the Bjork and spun around my house wearing nothing but my Kimono and a pair of mis-matched socks.

But, even-though this usually helps me loads, I still don't feel motivated enough to consider social interaction for the remainder of this week.
I would usually start talking about some big issue regarding sadness and anger in the world.
But I am without anger for now. Oh wait,
I was very angry when my phone died. But as I have previously promised to never blog about my phone again. I wont.

Oh, a rat ate one of our birds legs last night, its fucking gross. and sad.
But like, how do you not notice your leg is being chowed on by some rodent?
Was he like, oh wait, are you talking about the time we flew over the cuckoo's nest?.. FUCK THERE IS A FUCKING RAT EATING MY FUCKING LEG. anyway, where was I? Oh yes.. the Cuckoo's nest..

Anyway, I danced. outside my house. with a friend/soul being. To lady gaga's Judas.
And was it amazing? Yes, yes it was.

Also, the end of the world is a upon us, and as i lay in my bed last night, covered by my blanket of queerness. [the blanket is pink and red with a picture of a dutch girl fishing on it] I thought to myself, why? This weekend is probably the best weekend I was planning on having in forever, because not only would I have officially voted for the first time and the new Gaga album would be close, but it had a Saturday and a Sunday. Both of those are my favorite days of the weekend. And now the end of humanity is ruining this for me, and many like-minded beings I am sure.
So, shall we protest this untimely demise of society and its ways?
Shall we fight to try and save what is supposedly the end of the world as we know it?

Or shall I crank up the Bjork and spin around in my kimono until time doesn't matter anymore. Until I eventually inherit something of some value that I could sell and then use the money to buy loads of pot and a ticket to anywhere but home.

We should vote on this.
Protest the end of humanity

Only you can decide. the fate is in your hands now children.

Oh, and btw. Im in a band now. its called. WIZARD VISTA and the UNDER-AGED DANCERS.
It's mostly a performance piece consisting of me and my friend Lara, my under-aged brother and my brother with real musical talent making mouth-noises that sound similar to Emilie Autumn songs while we do insane cool dance moves to Judas by Lady Gaga.

We also have devised a way of not even needing an audience, where we make turns to jump of stage during parts of insanity on stage and then cheering ourselves on.
We call this the self-cheering-circle-of-amazing-liquid.

I leave you all with this message.
For every person there is another person, but your current person might be my person and thus heart-break and agony are inevitable. Also, not even marriage can secure you and your love[r].

ps. smile fookers.
pss. use brac[ets] at awkwar(d) times. it confuses[] people.
and makes your sentences look more formal and fancy.
psss. drink too much. vodka gives you the same hang-over.

OH, before I go.
Vodka and Wine give you the same hangover but the person you wake up next to is usually different depending on what you drank.

psss. love and cheap hookers.