Sunday, September 4, 2011

A curious case of neck-pain.


How are you all doing? Great.

So, I have been to many a random place below, on-top and behind many a strange stage..
But last night was an experience so odd to me, I feel it deserves a little blog.

I was at some sort of Metal show thing.
Yes, a metal show thing.
Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I'm about as metal as a couch or a potato, but for friends you will do anything. And honestly, it was rather fantastic.

HOWEVER, I feel the need to inform you all that I was probably on some far-off planet, because not only did I witness the most majestic of all creatures, the Unicorn.. I also seem to have stumbled into the cave of a Metal-Imp.

As the crowd of people whipped and banged their necks to the beat of drums and guitars screeching away into the dark smoke fueled room their hair spinning and spinning heads bobbing up and down like some drunk halloween night game.. He took the stage as his own.
He was built like an Imp with hair standing at odd ends, his head spinning with the crowd as he finger-fucked his guitar into nothingness, then he looks up and the most thundering growl escapes the little belly of the metal imp, paralyzing the crowd. Targeting my friend.

It was an experience. It was a trip into the cave and dwelling of some of the worlds most open minded and terrifyingly accepting people. A community of people thriving of the low resonating growls of a bearded man.

From the metal cults[you read bands] of tomorrow, to the ones that have been around since before metal was allowed on CD.

Though I have not been converted into a fan or follower of metal.
I have a new found respect for them.

love and such fookers.

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