Monday, June 21, 2010

Blackberry you bloody bastard.

day was spent lovingly staring and doing nothing..
until the house repair man came.

But, i write this entry and super anger.. enraged by technology once more.

Just randomly, my phone decides to go all uncontrollable rabies victim on me.
Im the fucking victim here.. i poor my heart into the bloody phone.. everything i need.. from email to sms.. my friends talk to me when i decide to move to a village like an idiot..

and like a naught and grateful child it decides to seize function in its N button..
Now, you dont know the value of an N until you lose the damn thing!
So then decided the track pad.. to not be a push down button anymore.. douche.
Followed by the bad ass on and off and no button.. now i have to take my battery out to turn it on and off.
there goes menu? Unless he feels like working, he doesnt.
dear blackberry.
fuck you.

and when i take it in, and you tell me its water-damage.. god know ill be peeing all over your stock. thats water damage.
Who the fuck showers with a phone?
Its not near water.
i dont go to the beach.. i hate the sun.
i dont swim? im fat.
I dont bath with my phone.. cause thats reading time, and rare.
i shower.. and no fucking idiot showers with a phone.
or danced in the rain with it, or does sprinkler running with their boyfriend blackberry 8520.. NO ONE.
But the creator does maybe. Cause i swear to you if i hand my phone in with 3rd degree burn wounds.. they will say water damage.

i need my phone,
i have become that dependent prick who need a phone to breath.
i miss bbm.. and free facebook.
i miss the cool texting and the tweeting.
blackberry. work. i beg.
for without you, my half life become a quarter and i am forced to become a human again.. to live a life without.. issues and drama or free internet.

or else is shall show you swimming..
and then, and only then can you blame water damage for all your wrong.


hold on to your blackberry.
its a lifestyle.


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